
Showing posts from 2019

How the Compressed Air helps us in Medical and Industrial Operations

Compressed Air or Air Compressors is an integral part of the operations of many different types of commercial operations. Air compressors are used in the aerospace, automotive, chemical, manufacturing and medical fields too.  Let’s take a look how it helps in medical and industrial operations. PSA Gas Generator or Medical Oxygen Plants : Oxygen is the most important clinical gas used in health care centers and Hospitals. No modern hospital can manage without oxygen gas Generator. Pure oxygen is an essential resource in the operating room during anaesthesia and critical surgery, for the respiration of patients, and in the intensive care or neonatal units. The constant high demand for this gas renders substantial expenses for hospitals. Currently, hospitals buy oxygen from bulk oxygen gas Generator manufacturers. The bulk oxygen is bought in both liquid and gaseous form. These sources of oxygen can become an economic burden as large hospitals can spend more money in a year on oxygen

Why should have Onsite Medical Oxygen Plant - Strategic Advantages

Oxygen is one of the basic substance must required in every hospital, especially during the emergency and surgical procedure. The Oxygen supply can be ensuring in the hospitals in two ways, one through the oxygen cylinder and another through onsite medical oxygen plant . So there we are going to understand what is the basic difference between Oxygen supply in both ways and how one is better over other. Oxygen that comes in cylinders is of 99% purity and it is produced in bulk quantities using cryogenic separation process. However, as explained earlier, cylinder oxygen and oxygen from our machines can be used interchangeably without any worries. In most cases the simple answer would be yes. Barring large cities with abundant cylinder suppliers, the cylinder costs are quite exorbitant and are a drain on any hospital or medical facilities finances on a recurring monthly basis. Furthermore, operators don’t usually wait for cylinders to get empty before changing them before night shift

Vital Role of Air Compressor Machine and Its Functionality

Today, however, air compressors are usually found at factories where products are assembled or in most places where cars are serviced, such as gas stations and auto workshops. The list of tools that run on compressed air is long, but some of the most common pneumatic tools include the following: Drills Machines Nail guns Sanders Spray guns The most significant benefit of the standard workshop air compressor machine is its compact and relatively lightweight dimensions, which stand in contrast to centralized sources of power that generally utilize large motors. Additionally, air compressors last longer, require less maintenance, are easier to move from worksite to worksite and are far less noisy than old-fashioned machinery. Air compression is essentially a twofold process in which the pressure of air rises while the volume drops. In most cases, compression is accomplished with reciprocating piston technology, which makes up the vast majority of compressors on the market. Ev

Medical Oxygen Plant & Refrigerated Air Dryers How they Helps the Hospitals

Our modern hospitals are equips with modern medical facilities, such as modular operation theatre, medical bio waste disposal, modern laboratories, X-ray, MRI, centralized air conditioning, air pressure monitoring and many more. We all know all reputed hospitals are capable to deal with the critical cases, where the patients need ultra care, especially during the operation time. Medical oxygen plant and air dryers is one of them. We are going to breakdown the basic. Medical Oxygen Plant: The onsite medical oxygen plant is suitable for them who needs a mechanism for their own flexible and reliable supply of oxygen. They will not compromise on quality and can produce oxygen as and when required. Some of the advantages of using onsite oxygen gas generation plant are: Allows you to generate oxygen as per the requirement Reduces the issues associated No need to make additional payment No any extra storage required to managing high pressure cylinders Reduce the logistics and man

What are Air Compressor and How Its Function?

Pneumatic operations are all around us, used to perform various operations in our day to day life. It is hard to imagine workshops without compressors. Air compressors are a relatively recent innovation. Not long ago, the air tools used in workshops typically drew power from complex systems comprised of belts, wheels and other large components. For the most part, such machinery was too massive, heavy and costly for smaller operations, and was therefore confined primarily to larger companies. There are some common pneumatic tools found around us work on air compressor. Air Guns Bladder Actuator Vacuum Pump Drills Grinders Nail guns Sanders Spray guns Staplers The most significant benefit of the standard workshop air compressor is its compact and relatively lightweight dimensions, which stand in contrast to centralized sources of power that generally utilize large motors. Additionally, air compressors last longer, require less maintenance, are easier to move from worksit

3 Ways To Increase The Oxygen Level In Your Home

The biggest issue in this world is to survive in pollution. The level of oxygen is getting down every day.  Fewer plants, more vehicle, and speedy construction work have made our environment badly polluted. We cannot walk on the roads without the help of masks. In such condition, hospitals are also filled with patients facing the disease due to lack of oxygen. Oxygen plants are constructed to fulfil the requirement of the patients and more. High-quality oxygen is constructed and supplied in the medical oxygen plants . We cannot rely on the oxygen plants for the entire oxygen need. Below are some points which can help us at least within increasing the oxygen level in our homes: Proper ventilation : As we all know that the size of the houses in cities is very small and congested. So the ventilation is a big issue there. Try to install more windows and extractor fans in your home. You may use the double door to use the ventilation door when you feel the requirement of oxygen.  Nat

Medical Oxygen Gas: Benefits, Side-Effects and Precautions

Medical oxygen is available in the nature of the gas. This oxygen is used to treat the patients who are suffering from several diseases due to lack of oxygen. In the medical sector, this gas is also known as life-saving gas. Well, medical oxygen is a high-quality gas which is tested on many standards. But still, there are some side effects of this gas such as vomiting, dizziness, and fainting, sore throat, disturbance in visual and more. If you feel any of these symptoms then you need quick medical attention. A medical oxygen generator is used widely in hospitals and health care clinics. Having own oxygen plant for the medical sector is helpful in various terms of treatment. For example: Increase of survival chances : This life saving medical oxygen gas is used by hospitals especially, for the patient’s faster recovery. In case of non-availability of oxygen cylinders, a hospital refers the patient to another hospital. The in-between patient has to survive without oxygen. These tr

What is Air Compressor and how it Works?

Air compression is essentially a twofold process in which the pressure of air rises while the volume drops. In most cases, compression is accomplished with reciprocating piston technology, which makes up the vast majority of compressors on the market. All the air compressor manufacturers follow almost same standards and they use common set of components to build it explain bellow. Every compressor with a reciprocating piston has the following parts: Crankshaft Connecting rod Cylinder Piston Valve Head Air compressors, for the most part, are powered by either gas or electric motors — it varies by model. At one end of the cylinder are the inlet and discharge valves. Shaped like metal flaps, the two valves appear at opposite sides of the cylinder’s top end. The inlet sucks air in for the piston to compress. The compressed air is then released through the discharge valve. In certain air compressor models, the pressure is produced with rotating impellers. However, the models

Role of An Automated Condensate Drains On-Air System

Smaller components make large mechanical tasks easy and possible. It is seen in compressed air systems that the task of some components is great but not too popular. Actually, those components are ignored by the users not due to their use but due to their noticeability. Condensate drains are the best example of this type of ignorance. To ensure that you get the best coordination of tasks, as an informed buyer of air compressors, you need to notice the quality of condensate drains. Usually, buyers with less knowledge focus on flashing lights and other features but not condensate drains capacity and quality, which makes them face numerous issues during operation. Actually, a condensate drain performs a vital role by improving the efficiency of the system. Below are key benefits of these dryers: No waste Energy Saver The low maintenance cost of the system Improved work efficiency of air compressors These condensate drains are available in a variety of options such as heatless comp

Machinery that Works in Back to the Hospital

Our hospitals or medicals institutions especially the bigger one equipped with all modern medical facilities, but very few from us really know what kind of machinery works behind and make functioning possible. As like as the other organization whole functionality of the hospitals, depends upon machinery working behind them, we are going to describe bellow. Heatless Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryer: Ambient atmospheric air usually contains a significant amount of moisture. Some time additional moisture may harm during surgery or critical medical situation. Dry air is used in OT, emergency rooms, delivery rooms, ICU and NICU. Life of a patient is on stacks and any compromise in air quality can expense that life. Heatless desiccant type dryers helps the hospitals to get dry air as per the requirement. Vacuum Pumps: Medical vacuum pumps are used to provide the vacuum required by the hospitals such as central vacuum systems. It used in hospitals and ambulant surgical centres to

Some useful information on different types of air compressors

There are mainly three types of air compressors one is the reciprocating air compressor, second is rotary screw air compressors, and the last one is a rotary centrifugal air compressor. These air compressors are highly technical solutions to solve multiple manufacturing, loading and more sectors. The base of dividing these air compressors depends on compression stages, cooling methods, drive methods, and customizing and packaging options.  The use of refrigerated air dryers and air compressors are extremely very common, even the manufacturing and packing and many other industries cannot survive without these air driers and compressors. To improve the quality of heatless desiccant type dryers several modifications have been done by the manufacturers. Reciprocating air compressors are used to increase the pressure by reducing the volume of air. In the commercial sectors, mostly single-stage and double stage reciprocating air compressors are being used with the different pressure

PSA Oxygen Generation Plant and its Uses

PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) technology is well known for H2 purification applications, but the technique can also be used for other gas such as oxygen, separation processes in petroleum refining facilities PSA is a well-established process for the separation and purification of a wide range of industrial gases. PSA is generally safe, reliable and cost effective. We all know atmospheric air contains 21% Oxygen, 78% Nitrogen, 1% other gases. Oxygen generator separates this oxygen from compressed air through the process called Pressure Swing Adsorption. (PSA). PSA oxygen Plant separates the Oxygen from atmospheric air. Using this technology, we produce oxygen gas in the plants that are highly economical and require low maintenance and produce the desired results in a hassle-free manner. These generators absorb nitrogen with the help of two absorption vessels that are filled with most efficient zeolite molecular sieves responsible for nitrogen absorption. In the Oxygen Gas Gen

How modern equipment help in quick recovery of patients?

We all know that hospitals play a very important role in our lives as these help people get rid of different health issues and live a healthy life. Doctors give you all the support with the best of their efforts and medical equipment to fulfill your medical needs. In a hospital, numerous people work together to give you a successful treatment. Wherever the doctor takes care of you, the staff also gets the same with the help of medical assessment and daily treatment, but life-saving equipment also plays a very important in medical care. In today’s time, hospitals endeavor to provide the best care to their patients and latest medical equipment play a vital role in it. Below are some important tips which can help you to get the patient recovers faster by using the right medical equipment: For treating the critical patients, medical oxygen plant is used in hospitals. It generates a high purity of oxygen which helps to support and save the lives of patients in emergency medicine. Yo

What is the use of vacuum pumps in the medical and industrial sector?

Vacuum pressure and pumps are used in various different sectors. A vacuum pump is used as a device to produce the gas at the required quantity. These are countless items we use in our daily schedule are based on vacuum pressure by a vacuum pump. In medical and industrial sectors we can see how these pumps are performing with perfection to solve various difficult and life-saving tasks. Their important role show in their respective field shows their value. Vacuum pump manufacturers have made them perfectly suitable for every respective field. See how these pumps are serving these two sectors: Use of vacuum pumps in medical sectors:   These pumps are most commonly used by dentists. Noise-free and heatproof pumps support the hospitals in maintaining the environment Vacuum pumps are helpful in supplying the right quantity of oxygen to the patients. Medical vacuum pumps are used to basically support the patients in their breathing and other treatment.This task is very difficult a

How medical air is used in hospitals?

The status of hospitals is very high these days. All hospitals are using the best technological items to create the most admirable environment. More and more developments are being done for the health care center, the more they are developing their internal and external structure. Nowadays the management of hospitals has become smart. They are using the best possible cost-saving tools and technologies to grow their profits without compromising with the services for the patients.  They can use this profit in further upgrading system or in promotional activities. Hospitals have started using some inbuilt solutions which they need on a regular or often basis.  The medical oxygen plant is the best example of this. The in-built oxygen plant saves from the costly purchase of life-saving air. Quality of medical air should be very high, so the removal of impurities is most important. Air compressors are used for the storage and supply of the air to the patients in a preferable quantity

PSA Technique is Most Reliable to Generate Gases for Medical and Industrial Purposes

PSA (Pressure swing adsorption) is a process that separates single gases from a gas mixture. It is mainly used in chemical and petrochemical processes as well as the steel industry, for example to recover hydrogen (H2) from coking or conversion gases. PSA Nitrogen Generators are very often in the industry to generate nitrogen (N2) for industrial and commercial uses. The adsorption process is based on gas molecules binding to an absorbent material. The adsorbent bed is specially selected depending on the gas to be absorbed. Ideally, only the gas to be separated is adsorbed, while all other gases in the mixture pass through the adsorbent bed. Frequently, absorbents containing carbon (e.g. activated carbon or carbon molecular sieves) and oxide absorbents (e.g. zeolite) are used. The purity of the absorbed gas not only depends on the adsorbent used, but he temperature and pressure during the process are important as well. As a result, the control valves used also contribute considerabl

Components of Medical Onsite Oxygen Generator

We all know that Oxygen is a life support gas. Neither you nor anyone else can survive even for five min without presence of oxygen on our breath air.  We all are lucky there, more than 20% of our atmospheric air contains Oxygen, 78% contains nitrogen and rest of 1% contains carbon dioxide and mixtures of other gases. In normal condition we all obtain sufficient Oxygen from the air through breath. In case of any medical complexity such as accident, injures, surgery and serious illness some time it will be difficult for patience to consume good enough Oxygen through the normal breath. In that case patients need additional oxygen through the breath by additional support. To fulfill that additional need of Oxygen, Hospitals have two preferred ways, One is compress oxygen cylinder and another one is onsite medical oxygen generators setup. Medical Oxygen generator is setup made in place like hospitals where oxygen required. There are some components of medical oxygen generator are sho

Commercial Production of Refrigerated Air Dryers and Medical Oxygen

Any hospital who dealing with patient suffering from critical illness, going through surgery or on life supports, must have to manage and insure regular supply of Oxygen. Medical Oxygen supply system insures the availability of Oxygen in the hospital 24x7. There are two common ways to manage availability of Oxygen for medical purposes i.e pressure liquid type and is medical oxygen generators . Pressure Liquid Type Oxygen: This is very common way to keep stock of Oxygen in medical premises. There Oxygen stores in cylinders in compress liquid state. When pressure releases oxygen come out from the cylinder in form of gas. That gas transfer from the cylinders to patient through the pipeline. This system has more cons that positive. Medical Oxygen Generators: This is some kind of mechanism or arrangement to generate pure oxygen inside the hospital and the place where it is needed. This Oxygen generator unit is also called onsite oxygen generator. Basically this system does not

What is PSA Gas Generators and how it Works

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a process used to separate some gas type from a mixture of gases, under higher pressure, beside on the molecular characteristic and affinity of the gas to an adsorbent material. PSA operates at near ambient temperatures. After the gas is adsorbed at the high pressure, the process then swings to low pressure to desorbs the adsorbed gas for reuse of the adsorbent material. PSA gas generators are widely used in the industries to separate the gases as per the industrial requirement. PSA oxygen gas generator recommended most in the hospitals to generate oxygen for medical purpose. Wide range of industrial PSA Gas Generators ·          PSA Oxygen Gas Generator ·          PSA Nitrogen Gas Generator ·          PSA Hydrogen Gas Generator ·          PSA CO2 Gas Generator ·          PSA CO (Carbon monoxide) ·          PSA Argon (Ar) Gas Generator ·          PSA CH4 (Methane) Gas Generator How PSA Gas Generators Works PSA system i