Components of Medical Onsite Oxygen Generator

We all know that Oxygen is a life support gas. Neither you nor anyone else can survive even for five min without presence of oxygen on our breath air.  We all are lucky there, more than 20% of our atmospheric air contains Oxygen, 78% contains nitrogen and rest of 1% contains carbon dioxide and mixtures of other gases. In normal condition we all obtain sufficient Oxygen from the air through breath. In case of any medical complexity such as accident, injures, surgery and serious illness some time it will be difficult for patience to consume good enough Oxygen through the normal breath. In that case patients need additional oxygen through the breath by additional support.

To fulfill that additional need of Oxygen, Hospitals have two preferred ways, One is compress oxygen cylinder and another one is onsite medical oxygen generators setup.

Medical Oxygen generator is setup made in place like hospitals where oxygen required. There are some components of medical oxygen generator are shown bellow.
  • Compressor
  • Dryer
  • Filter Package
  • Coal Tower
  • Air Tank
  • PSA Generator
  • Desiccant Air Dryers
  • Air Tank or Container
  • Sterlite Bacteria Filter
  • Booster Pump
  • Cylinder Filling Ramp 
  • Backup Oxygen Ramp
There are many advantages of onsite medical Oxygen generator over the compress oxygen cylinder.

Oxygen generator produces gas at a very low pressure and also keeps only a small amount of backup in certified storage tanks. Hence, the risk of oxygen combustion is minimised.

Oxygen generators take up very little space. In many cases, the room for cylinders storage and manifold is sufficient for installation of the oxygen plant.

Administrative burden reduction:
Cylinders require constant reordering. Once the cylinders are received, then they need to be weighed and quantities verified. All of this administrative burden is eliminated with our onsite oxygen generator.


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