What is PSA Gas Generators and how it Works

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a process used to separate some gas type from a mixture of gases, under higher pressure, beside on the molecular characteristic and affinity of the gas to an adsorbent material. PSA operates at near ambient temperatures.

After the gas is adsorbed at the high pressure, the process then swings to low pressure to desorbs the adsorbed gas for reuse of the adsorbent material.

PSA gas generators are widely used in the industries to separate the gases as per the industrial requirement. PSA oxygen gas generator recommended most in the hospitals to generate oxygen for medical purpose.

Wide range of industrial PSA Gas Generators
  • ·         PSA Oxygen Gas Generator
  • ·         PSA Nitrogen Gas Generator
  • ·         PSA Hydrogen Gas Generator
  • ·         PSA CO2 Gas Generator
  • ·         PSA CO (Carbon monoxide)
  • ·         PSA Argon (Ar) Gas Generator
  • ·         PSA CH4 (Methane) Gas Generator

How PSA Gas Generators Works

PSA system is one of the best gas generation systems that deliver up to 99% to 99.99% purity that could not possible to achieve with other ways. PSA is most reliable, accurate and cost effective system has been found till now.

PSA not actually produce the gas but it separates the gas we needed from mixture of other gases. General atmospheric air in which you and I breathe made with combination of 21% Oxygen, 78% Nitrogen and 1% of Carbon dioxide and other gases.

In an onsite PSA oxygen gas generator atmospheric air is compressed using air compressor. The air is compress and made moister free by air dryer. Dry air is collected in air receiver tank. Passing through the filters not only make this dry but also make air oil and dust free.

PSA not actually produce the gas but it separates the gas we needed from mixture of other gases. General atmospheric air in which you and I breathe made with combination of 21% Oxygen, 78% Nitrogen and 1% of Carbon dioxide and other gases.


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