The best Air Dryer: A Handbook of guidelines for selecting the right air dryer
Air dryers are important for the manufacturing plants in the industries. They keep the compressor moisture-free and improve its performance. If not invested in a good quality dryer, it can lead to corrosion and other technical problems in the unit. This will lead to production loss, and money loss. Choosing the right air dryer is a game changer for cutting out the operational problems. Here are the points to consider while choosing the best air dryer.
Operating pressure
According to your needs, the best air dryer depends on the operating pressure of the system. You must consider the minimum and maximum operating pressure of your system before selecting the right air dryer. The air compressor supplier can guide you with this.
Flow rate
The flow rate is the volume of air passing through the compressor. Taking the flow rate into consideration while selecting the best air dryer is crucial. According to your system of operation, you can confirm the flow rate and select the air dryer that meets your requirement.
Ambient temperature
Depending on the operating ambient temperature of your system, you can choose either a low-temperature dryer or a high-temperature dryer. If your system works in the summer months, you must consider high-temperature air dryers.
Dew point temperature
You must consider the dew temperature of your system before choosing the right dryer. Calculate the dew temperature by determining the lowest temperature of your system and reduce it by 20 degrees.
The most important factor while choosing the air dryer is the application and environment of the air usage. Most people choose a refrigerated air dryer as it produces air with about 10 to 20 percent of humidity. On the other hand, the desiccant dryers produce ≤0.5 percent humidity.
Final thoughts
Depending on the application and environment of your system, you can choose the right air dryer. To choose the best air dryer the air compressor manufacturers can guide you. They will guide you with the features of different air dryers. According to your requirements and working system, they will help you choose the right air dryer.
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