A Brief About PSA Gas Generators

The PSA gas generators are mainly based upon the membrane as well as the pressure swing absorption technology which is capable of generating both nitrogen gas and used compressed air so as a feed to feed system as well as to obtain nitrogen. Some issues need to be considered while deciding which technology can serve the best.

This gas generator mainly utilizes the carbon Molecule sleeve for absorbing oxygen under high pressure and thus allow the nitrogen to get a pass for the collection in the storage unit.

With the vast amount of pressure swing, in this generator, two vessels are packed up with the carbon molecular sleeves. In this one vessel absorb and the second one gets depressurized and thus a small amount of nitrogen flows gets downward to release the collected oxygen after its process of absorption. These both vessels alternate among the process of absorption and depressurization. The whole process of this generator minimally takes 60 seconds.

Benefits of Gas Generators

Level of Purity

The purity level of oxygen in this gas generator is higher as compared to other gas generators. Mainly the purity level is about 95% in this gas generator.


These PSA generators are highly reliable so as the medical oxygen plant. They have only some moving parts, if they are maintained properly, they last for a long time.

Less Maintenance Needed
These gas generators requires less maintenance as compared with the other kinds of generators.


The PSA generators mainly deliver about oxygen directly at 4 kg/2c, pressure without the use of any kind of booster. Thus, this makes it extremely suitable for most of the applications. If high pressure it being needed by the customer procedure for the storage then, they can have the additional booster too with that.

These PSA generators have been utilized in various industries such as the Glass industries, metal gas welding, fish farming, hospitals, paper and pulp industries and various others too.


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